Lots of scripts that can be used to reproduce the analyses and figures.
Script to run the main analyses in MoBa cohort.
Run bootstrapping to check consistency in the significance of the findings.
Checking the DMRff results, creating Figures 7 & 8 in the paper and Figures S4 & S6 in the Supplementary, as well as the table with all the significant DMRs.
Checking results produced in XchromeAnalysis.R
, creating Figures 2 & 3 as well
as Supplementary Figure S3 and
the table with all the significant results.
Creating two figures:
package and
package)Such a pair of figures was constructed for each significant CpG (Figures 4–6).
Script for calculating data and plotting QQplots. Adapted from: https://slowkow.com/notes/ggplot2-qqplot/
Creating Figure S2 (supplementary).
Script for extracting human genes and transcripts within a certain region. Uses the following packages:
NOTE: all these packages are part of BioConductor
Script for extracting regulatory region annotation within a certain region. Uses the following packages:
NOTE: all these packages are part of BioConductor
Extracting data from PDF file in Supplementary Materials of the publication:
This script extracts the information about TFs (transcription factors)
classification based on their binding to methylated and unmethylated DNA
sequences. The data is saved as tab-delimited text file
which is checked and cleaned in
and analyzed in check_TFs_binding_signif_CpGs.R
The output of running the extract_data_from_yin.sh
script is in
Reading in the extracted lines DATA/extracted_lines_clean.txt
and cleaning the dataset. The final dataset is in
NOTE: The script includes detailed information about the data!
Output of running the script is in create_TF_methyl_binding_dataset.html
Checking the classification of the TFs (transcription factors) that were found to possibly bind to the significant CpGs, based on:
The information collected in points 1. and 2. was manually entered into
text file DATA/TFs_binding_to_CpGs_JASPAR_ensembl.dat
The output of running the .R script is in