

All the data and results that can be made public.


All the results of running different XWASes (EWAS on the CpG probes on the X-chromosome) on the MoBa data.

List of tibbles named as follows:

Each tibble has the following variables:

variable name format description
cpg_id character name of the CpG probe
effect_size numeric effect size
std_err numeric standard error
ps numeric p-value
ps_adj_BH numeric FDR-adjusted p-value
CHR character chromosome (X)
MAPINFO numeric coordinates in GRCh37
Strand character ‘F’ (forward) or ‘R’ (reverse)


All the results of running DMRff (finding differentially methylated regions) on the MoBa data.

The R-package can be found here: https://github.com/perishky/dmrff

List of tibbles named as described above.

Each tibble has the following variables:

variable name format description
chr character chromosome (X)
start numeric start coordinate
end numeric end coordinate
n numeric number of CpG sites within the DMR
estimate numeric  
se numeric std. error
z numeric test statistic
p.value numeric p-value
p.adjust numeric FDR-adjusted p-value


tibble with the information about all the CpG probes that are on X chromosome on the EPIC array. Taken from the original Illumina Manifest file (available online at https://support.illumina.com/array/array_kits/infinium-methylationepic-beadchip-kit/downloads.html.

Some important fields are listed below:

variable name format description
Name character CpG id (equal to IllmnID)
CHR character chromosome (X)
MAPINFO numeric coordinates in GRCh37

Genes and regulatory regions

All the files beginning with cur_genes_ or cur_regul_regs_ contain a GRanges object with genes or regulatory regions, respectively, that holds specific annotations in the regions around the indicated CpG. These GRanges objects can be used in subsequent call to karyoploteR plotting functions.

These can be read in as follows:

genes <- readRDS(
  here("DATA", "cur_genes_girls_model1_cg26175661.rds.txt")

regul_regs <- readRDS(
  here("DATA", "cur_regul_regs_girls_model1_cg26175661.rds.txt")

Analogously, there are DMR_genes.rds and DMR_regul_regs.rds that hold GRanges objects with genes or regulatory regions within significant DMRs. DMR_genes_ensembl.rds holds the same information as DMR_genes.rds but in a tibble format, taken from ensembl through query via biomaRt.

For convenience, these data are also saved in tab-delimited text files beginning with genes_in_DMRs_ or regul_regs_in_DMRs_.

Matrices of DNA methylation correlation

All the files beginning with correlation_plot_ or correlation_matrix_ contain a ggplot object or a tibble, respectively, that holds the correlation coefficients between all pairs of CpGs around the CpG indicated in the file name.

These can be read in as follows:

corr_plot <- readRDS(
  here("DATA", "correlation_plot_girls_model1_cg26175661.rds.txt")

corr_matrix <- readRDS(
  here("DATA", "correlation_matrix_girls_model1_cg26175661.rds.txt")

Data cleaning and analysis of data on transcription factor (TF) binding to methylated DNA

As the supplementary material to the original publication by Yin, Y., et al. in Science (356(6337), 2017. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aaj2239) was not presented in an analysis-friendly manner, we extracted the necessary information from the PDF document with figures and gathered it here. (See README in the SCRIPTS folder for details).

variable name format description
TF_name character TF name (gene name)
part_tested character which part of the protein was tested? (check Yin et al. for details)
class character classification of TF according to sensitivity to methylation of DNA binding site(s)
note character comments (if any)

Checking significant CpGs vs TFs that bind methylated DNA

variable name format description
CpG character CpG name
TF_name character TF name (gene name)
in_MeDReader boolean included in MeDReader DB or not?
variable name format description
CpG character CpG name
TF_name character TF name (gene name)
in_MeDReader boolean included in MeDReader DB or not?
part_tested character which part of the protein was tested? (check Yin et al. for details)
class character classification of TF according to sensitivity to methylation of DNA binding site(s)
note character comments (if any)

Results from the external cohort

The files starting with CHART_ contain XWAS results for the replication cohort (CHART cohort, Australia), using limma R package. Format:

variable name format description
  character CpG name (rowname)
logFC numeric log fold change
t numeric t statistic
P.Value numeric raw p-value
adj.P.Val numeric FDR-adjusted p-value
B numeric  
Male_ART_mean numeric mean value of beta (DNAm) for males conceived through ART
Female_ART_mean numeric mean value of beta (DNAm) for females conceived through ART
Male_nonART_mean numeric mean value of beta (DNAm) for males conceived naturally
Female_nonART_mean numeric mean value of beta (DNAm) for females conceived naturally
bacon_pvalue numeric p-value after adjustment with BACON algortithm

Moreover, there are also .rds files, where the genes and regulatory regions co-localized with the significant results were collected. (currently, empty)

Bootstrapping results

Rank tables after bootstrapping of the XWAS results on MoBa data are available in bootstrap_results_boys_final.csv and bootstrap_results_girls_final.csv.